Choosing from different forms of meditation

30/04/2014 19:35

Meditation covers a wide range of spiritual and psycho-physical practices and is not limited to religious old practice. The very general denominator among all types of meditation, as it is the discipline involved anyone going into a regime of meditation needs to know the level of discipline that will be required.

The practice of meditation can take one of several forms, including the focus on a single object or process such as a mantra. It can also be performed while walking or performing or engaged in a simple task to be done repeatedly. The object belonging in all cases is to focus and concentrate while minimizing distractions in order to achieve the desired goal of inner peace and self awareness, transcending the mundane generally cares that usually bog down a good number of us.

The purpose of this type of meditation is the realization of truth, general the truths of impermanence, suffering and "no-self."  This type of meditation is superior to the former one as it liberates us from the false confirmation of this cosmic world and its synthetic beauty of it. This is primarily practiced by Buddhist followers, but anyone can learn this regardless of any creed or religious faith. This insight meditation focuses on the concept of mindfulness. Here, mindfulness is not meant to concentration.

Concentration means giving your total focus at a single object or matter without any deviation. On the other hand, mindfulness is to think about it and comprehend its entire concept. This means not only to touch things or observe matter of concern, but also to attempt to learn about it with your focused and creative mentality. 

Peace of mind is the absence or missing of worry, stress, and anxiety. When your mind is tranquil and serene, then it should be in control of your thoughts and emotions. In short, peace of mind or what some people call it as peace from inside can be achieved when you are in harmony with everything else in life.

Daily we need to take a few minutes in the morning and before you go to sleep to breathe deeply and clear your mind from all the chatter that you have in your mind. After you take a few minutes to meditate and calm your thoughts, then start visualizing the vision in life. While visualizing whatever we want to accomplish and feel the joy, worry and stress to the fullest and get reduced and you will start having peace of mind.

If you are not aware of what thoughts you tend to have in your mind, then thoughts generally end up controlling the majority of people. Research shows that over 80% of the average person's thoughts should be negative, which is why many people don't experience peace of mind and inner peace on a regular basis.

When you have peace of mind, you are in control of your mental thoughts and emotions as well. Practicing constantly, you can achieve peace of mind and tranquility as having peace from inner is a skill that can be learned on a daily basis.